Bull is an energy drink distributed by the company Red Bull GmbH.1.
was created by Dietrich Mateschitz which he founded in the 80s. The first can
be sold on April 1, 1987 in Austria. It was the birth of the energy drink
the brand is present in over 165 countries and consumed until 2014, more than
35,000 million cans of Red Bull.
drink has a revitalizing and detoxifying effect scientifically proved, it has
properties that increase physical abilities and mental speed power.
Bull uses a very good strategy.
the brand image of Red Bull is as important as the product itself on its
overall marketing strategy.
company is involved in a wide range of events, mainly focusing on action
sports. Such as most extreme sports such as skiing, rallys ...
Red Bull make videos of extreme sports to reinforce his image
other energy drinks have ingredients and similar results, but lack the strong
image that has Red Bull.
Bull is the perfect example of a development strategy successful business.
Bull is the most famous brand of energy drink in the world.
Good initiative. Thanks to its strategic plan is the world's most popular beverage in the world of sport.
ResponderEliminarTotalment d'acord, Red Bull, és un bon exemple de segmentació de públic. Des de sempre han tingut molt en compte quin és el seu públic potencial, i amb el WEB 2.0 han trobat el mitjà més adient per tal de comunicar-se -i escoltar- amb el seus consumidors. A partir de engrandir les seves comunitats a la xarxa, a través del mkt de continguts, fan possible aquesta expansió imparable.
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