viernes, 13 de marzo de 2015

IKEA innovating in the shopping experience.

We know that Ikea has good ideas to enrich the shopping experience of their clients. Ikea is considerate a innovative shop.

Recentyle, we have heard that Ikea made an iniciative to encourage their clients to leave their cars in house while they shopping.

Concretly, in Denmark, Ikea take into account that a 20% of their costumers arrived to Ikea by bike. For this reason the Swedish firm give to the shop in a gratuite way bikes and trailers for loading the purchase and take her home riding.

These bikes are prepared to hold up 45 load kilos. Furthermore, in Poland, the shops offers facilities for the bikes, like map of bike paths and tools to repair customer bikes.

We consider that is a good form to satisfied the mobility of their consumers. However, the majority the Ikea shops are located in a good areas with easy access. On the other han we think that also is a good action to protect the environment and decrease the pollution.

What do yo think about this innovation?

If you are living in Denmark you will chose this new option?

4 comentarios:

  1. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  2. Molt bona idea!!!! Estar clar que aquestes grans empreses, i les petites també, han d'anar agafant molt més responsabilitat envers a la societat. Ara, que cada cop més, es veuen obligades a tenir que tocar el costat més sensible dels clients en la seva comunicació global, han d'avançar en implementar estratègies i dissenys en termes mediambientals i sostenibles.

  3. Good Morning audience,
    We are gratefull to read this comments.
    We are glad that you liked this post.
