martes, 17 de febrero de 2015


Danone is a brand specialized in dairy products, especially in his famous yoghurt.

The company was founded in 1919 by Isaac Carasso in Barcelona, as a small workshop factory that only produced yoghurt. The first industrial yoghurt was born.  Danone had 5 production factories in Spain.
Danone has a very good market strategy. 
They design yoghurts for all ages and tastes. It is their main bussines strategy, they offers new products to current clients, increasing the volume of sales.
Every year Danone is renewed, they create new dairy prodcuts, with different flavours or some kind of specific yoguhrt.
For example: "Vitalinea" are low fat yoghurts in for people who want to lose weight or keep a diet.
Another example; “Danonino” are yoghurts for children.

And so has more ranges such as:  Danacol, Activia, Oikos, Vitalinea, Densia, Actimel, basics and desserts. 

Below, we attach a link which is one of their first publishment on TV.

4 comentarios:

  1. Good morning, is really interesting to see the way in which Danone has grown. I think that its strategy of inventing different products for different recipients it is very good.
    Another very interesting aspect of your article is the video that is presented at the end. Of my point of view, with the video we can see how it has changed Danone and has grown.

    Congratulations for the article.


  2. He llegit aquest post i la veritat que Danone utilitza una gran estrategia per a captar clients, juga amb l'avantatge que es una marca molt reconeguda gràcies a les bones estrategies que ha utilitzat tot aquest temps.

    Desde el meu punt de vista afegir que a mes a mes de fer productes unics per a diferents edats, tambe utilitza altres estrategies com per exemple, sortejar una gran cantitad de productes DANONE per vies socials com facebook i twitter a tot aquelles persones que promocionin la web i la comparteixin.

    Us desitjo molta sort en aquest blog!

  3. Buenos dias!!
    Yo pienso que Danone utiliza una gran variedad de estrategias para poder captar la atención del cliente, como por ejemplo muchos anuncios televisivos que dan a conocer sus productos, como bien refleja este blog, tiene una gran variedad de productos para todas las edades con diferentes e innovadores sabores que en muchas otras marcas no hay. Cosa que hace un producto unico.
    mucha suerte!!

  4. Good morning readers!
    As we can see, you are very interesting on this Brand, for this reason we are researched more information about this company.
    Firstly we would like to include that, Danone follow a strategy named “unique brand”. On the one hand, all the products have a specific brand but all the products like, Vitalinea, Danet, Danonino, they are marketed under the same brand, which is Danone. However, this company has acquired new firms, as LU, which is a biscuits brand, and also Font-Bella, and Aguas Lanjarón. From we point of view is a good way to evolve in group.
